Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sarah's Mother's Day "newspaper" delivery

Just when you wonder if you're a good mom who is making an imprint in your child's life, he or she comes up with something like this.  Sarah wrote this all by herself, she printed it out, glued it onto this morning's Sunday Globe with Kim's help, and brought it to me with a beautiful bouquet of flowers, a sweet card, and a croissant.

Mother's Day has never been the "Hallmark Holiday" for me that it can be for others.  I don't know my birth mother, who left me at an orphanage in India.  Nor is there an relationship with the other "mother" who adopted and then abandoned me.  I am so blessed to have a few very special women in my life who have helped fill the void.  The experience of being a real part of a church family contributes to the joy of this day....  so many lovely people, so much un-judging (ie: no one seems to care that I am divorced), caring during a scary and uncertain time.

All I ever wanted was to be a mom, and a good one.   Being a mother has made me more tolerant, kinder, gentler, and more patient (a skill I was lacking in).  I learned to lean on God during the times I almost lost Julia (she was diagnosed with mitochondrial disorder as a 3 month old).  I have both leaned on God and been very angry at Her during the ups ad downs of raising a child with Autism.  I was so angry with Her when I mourned for the child I lost nearly 4 years ago, almost alone.    I have no idea what God's plan may be for my life and what other journeys She sees me embarking upon.  Whatever they are, I will never lose sight of the fact that my children are more important than anything else.  The village they belong to loves them and Sarah's letter tells me I must be doing *something* right.

Happy Mother's Day!

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