Saturday, September 10, 2011

A September 11th Blessing

10 years later

At 10:42 p.m on 9/11/97, I gave birth to a beautiful 6 pound, 15 ounce baby girl.  Three months later, she almost died after her heart stopped working.  She has faced so many challenges in her life.  Today, we celebrated her birthday with a small party with friends who love her.

On her 4th birthday, our country was attacked. That evening, we muddled through a birthday celebration with our close friends J and J and K and J and their baby, M.  Once the kids were settled, we adults all sat, in shock,  and watched a Presidential Address "from a secure location" on the TV in my living room.    In retrospect, I am glad to have shared such a painful day with our then very best friends.

The day after, Julia drew a picture of what she described as a "plane crashing into a building".  I still have that picture.  The comments people made/make to her which followed in the days and years were not fair.  She's just a kid.  What happened on that day is awful and evil, but it doesn't define her or her birthday.

It is my prayer and biggest hope that Julia is happy and thrives and accomplishes all she wants in life.  I love you, Julia Grace.  May you have a very Happy Birthday and a year filled with many blessings and much joy.

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