Saturday, March 27, 2010

Happy Birthday Miss S

We're celebrating Miss S's birthday tomorrow afternoon. While her actual date of birth is a few weeks off (being born in the middle of April vacation every year is not schedule-friendly for your friends to come to your party), it is amazing that my "baby" is going to 8!

Sarah is a completely wonderful mix of funny, vibrant, intense, & joyful. She has created the most unique dance that we have dubbed "the Sarah dance".  Being keenly aware that she is indeed #4, Sarah fights for attention without apology. She makes everyone around her laugh.  She also gives 110% to everything-- and is fighting like crazy to overcome some weaknesses in writing and reading. By far the most creative of the kids, she stretches this creativity and makes the most lovely projects. As I write this, she is creating birthday cards for some dear friends.

She has "gone with the flow" during a *really* awful few years, and gives the most wonderful hugs. I worry a lot about her, about how the divorce and subsequent events would affect her, but she is so smart that she seems to know what is right and what is wrong almost intuitively.

I know she hurts sometimes and wishes for her family to be together again. My heart aches for the things she won't grow up with. But, I do know she has a lot of love from me (and from her dad) and we will stay constant in her life.  Maybe it's the bond of having nursed her for so long (ok, well long for my babies, I consider 7 months a *really* long time), but she and I share a very special connection.  In many ways, ok most ways, losing my last pregnancy, as crappy as that was, was for the best.

I know I have the option of having another baby, but today I just want to think about Little Miss S and remember that the day she was born was one of the happiest days of my life (ok, minus the lack of an immediate post-delivery morphine drip at MAH).  She brings so much love and light into our family's world, I can't imagine my life without her in it.   Happy 8th Birthday Party S.

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