Saturday, November 12, 2011

Guest sib post by E (11)

      As you may recall from my earlier post I said that A and I aren't getting along. But a lot of things have changed since then. Andrew and I get along very well now. I probably spoke to soon, tomorrow he might hate me, you never know. Even if he does hate me tomorrow I will love him just as much as I always have. 
     I don't like to say he has Autism because Autism can mean so many different things, so I like to say he has "Andrewism". "Andrewism" can make our life very challenging but very rewarding at the same time. He might scream all the time but he is one of the smartest kids I know.
     A's Savant skills have made him the smartest kid I know. If you tell him the year and day you were born he will tell you the day of the week you were born. Did I mention this was he was 5. In the end A is the only brother I have and I wouldn't love him any more if he didn't have Autism.       

-by Emily, Age 11

1 comment:

Deborah Vlock said...

What a great sister you are, Em! And what a great guest post!